Friday, May 30, 2008

Grandpre Talks New Sorcerer's Stone Cover Art

Time magazine has a new interview with American edition Harry Potter illustrator Mary Granpre, focusing mainly on the new cover art for the 10th year anniversary edition of Sorcerer's Stone.

What was it like to go back and draw Harry as an 11-year-old [for the upcoming anniversary edition] now that his story has finished unfolding?

It was really a nice opportunity. As Harry grew, I always wished I could go back and make a new piece for each book. So when the anniversary cover idea came up, I was really excited to do that. It's like getting to do a new portrait of this old soul you really know.

What did you try to do differently, given what you've learned about him as he traveled through the saga?

The first cover was a designed cover, with a certain trendy feel to it. As you got to know him, it was more about depicting Harry as a real person. By the fifth cover, I was more interested in Harry on an emotional, personal level rather than creating a graphically designed, compositionally correct cover. I tried to bring that emotional and personal feeling to this anniversary cover.

The book will be released on September 23, 2008.

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