Thursday, April 17, 2008

Visitors Book With JKR Signature Helps Church Raise £10,000

This is Gloucestershire is reporting that a Tutshill church raised more than £10,000 at a fundraising launch with help from J.K. Rowling's signature in the St Luke's visitors' book.

Fans will remember that in the ITV documentary that aired in December, Jo visited the church where she looked through the visitors book to find her name, which she had written there years ago. In the documentary, Jo mentioned that she saw a name she used for a particularly nasty character in the book, but closed it fast so the cameras wouldn't see.

Vicar the Rev Royston Grosvenor said: "The event went very well, we had a great response. We also have a first edition signed copy of her latest book which we are currently deciding what to do with. Maybe it will be used as a prize or go to auction, depending on what will raise us more money."

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