Sunday, March 9, 2008

HBP Filming at Millennium Bridge

Filming for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is currently taking place at the Millennium Bridge in London. The scene does not involve main cast members, but does involve several extras walking on the bridge. Pictures and video have shown a helicopter flying over the bridge to film the extras.

News of this filming is throwing most for a loop. Leaky sheds a bit more light on the subject:

Reader Milo says they are using extras for a special effects scene in Half-Blood Prince that features the destruction of the bridge, “to be used in the movie as evidence of the war in the Wizarding world.” He writes “they used 120+ extra’s on the bridge plus stuntmen who fell off the bridge into the water. They had a helicopter which filmed the main parts swooping down very close to the water and bridge, and it flew length ways along the bridge. Filming could only be done every 30 mins as that was all that the government would allow them.”

So it seems that they're keeping the scene of the death eaters blowing up the bridge, as described in the first chapter of [i]Half-Blood Prince[/i].

Photos can be viewed here (1, 2, 3) and videos can be viewed here (1, 2, 3), thanks hbpmoviepics.

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