Monday, July 21, 2008

The J.K. Rowling Suite

The hotel where J.K. Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is now reopening the room the author stayed in as the "J.K. Rowling Suite" (aka room 552). The room will run you around £1,000 per night, but several wealthy fans have already checked in to the room, which features the signed bust of Hermes that Jo signed during her stay.

An unnamed worker at the hotel said: "As JK Rowling finished her book in this suite, we thought it would be a nice way to honour this. The room is exactly the same as when Miss Rowling finished her book there."


The only other changes are a brass plaque that has been fixed to the front door and the door knocker being replaced by a brass owl in homage to those featured in the books.

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